Sunday, March 9, 2014

Remember me?

Crazy ridiculous why I haven't blog again in here! But i'm not surprised at all because it seems like blogging is been just on the side not like it used to be! Anyways how I've been? I still can't believe that i am now aa mom of two beautiful kids now! My Lauren turned six last Dec26th and baby Deric is 6months old now! Wow just wow! Time just went by so fast! Its like yesterday I just gave birth to him and now he is 6months old, everyday he is learning and developing new things, this baby needs to slow down! If possible I want him to stay as an infant forever lol! (no way eh!) One reason why I havent been blogging is when I had my Ipad or Iphone I was too lazy to type in one hand on a touch screen! So just recently, I bought this pink Ipad Bluetooth Keyboard (Im still playing around with it) and I must say I so missed typing lol! It was nice to finally type normally on a keyboard! The pink color is a bonus too! I have a black ipad 2 and still looks good with it! My daughter is so jealous that she is been asking me to get her own for her ipad mini but whats the point, she is still learning how to read and write, on and actual books, paper and pencils\pens lol! For sure I get a lot of use with this keyboard, hoping to blog more often, I miss blogging most of the time, there are not enough excuse for me not to blog but I'm still having a hard time finding time to accomodate my kids and my partner and gazillion things to do around the house! I dont even know if anybody is still reading my blog! (says I have 198 followers?) so cross fingers more updates on this blog soon! For now I'll end this as we are getting ready to start our day by going to church :) have a good day everyone!

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